
Follow new updates and improvements to FitLock.

March 21st 2024

We're excited to share the release of widgets to Fitlock. Our first widget will show you your currently active schedule and allow you to see the progress of your health/fitness goal, just as you can in the app, but on your Home Screen.

For more information on how to add the Fitlock widget, watch our video here:

If there are more widgets or features you would like in the future, please get in touch at

November 12th 2023

We're excited to release v1.0 of Fitlock.

Some of the features included in this version:

Schedules: Create multiple fully customizable schedules to fit around your routine.

Health Goals: Create fully customizable health goals to fit your personal goals.

Health Goal Progress: Display your current health goal progress when viewing a blocked app.

Suggested Goals: We calculate your current activity levels for your selected health goal and suggest recommended levels for your apps unlock time.

Statistics: We display analytics of your current screen time for each app and your current activity levels to compare how you are progressing.

Notifications: Receive notifications when your schedules have started, ended, and when you have unlocked some app viewing time.

Strict Mode: Prevent yourself from being able to opt out of the schedule by stopping the ability of editing a schedule while it is active and removing the ability to delete any applications.

Moderate Mode: Block apps until health goals are reached, but if you'd really like to change the schedule while it is active, you can.

Lenient Mode: You are still presented with your current health goal progress when attempting to open a blocked app, but if you'd like to unlock the app for an extra 10 minutes, you can.

Light/Dark Mode: Use Fitlock with a beautiful dark or light mode depending on your preferences.

We have many more features in the pipeline, watch this space!